My name is Anisa Salahou and I am a rising sophomore from Syracuse, New York. I am so excited to be a part of summer immersion as an intern because I enjoyed participating last summer as a first-year! I built so many connections and received lots of valuable advice.I am currently planning on majoring in neuroscience and behavior with a correlate in Africana studies with a pre-law track! I’m passionate about social and racial justice and aspire to be a public interest lawyer in the future. My dream is to eventually intern or work for EJI (Equal justice initiative). At Vassar, I am involved in the MSA (Muslim student association) and the BSU (Black students Union). I will be the President of the MSA and treasurer of the BSU this upcoming school year. So excited to meet you all!!

I am Dan K Kuruvila (he/him), class of 2025. I am from Dallas, Texas. I was born and raised until middle school in Kerala, India. At Vassar, I am majoring in Psychological Sciences. I am also planning to do correlates (minor) in Economics and Mathematics. On campus, I am part of multiple organizations. I am one of the Transitions interns who helps coordinate and plan events for the organization. I am the chair of first year programs for VSA in the next academic year. I am also part of Aircapella, which is the premium Whistling Acapella group at Vassar. When it comes to hobbies, I love playing ping-pong, cricket, and any board game. I also enjoy watching movies and spending time with my friends.

Hi everybody! My name is Fernando (or Fern) and I am a rising sophomore from La Puente, CA. I’m undeclared at the moment, but I am considering Sociology and Education as potential majors. While at Vassar, I have been involved in Exploring College, the Barefoot Fireflies, and the Latinx Student Union. Outside of school, I enjoy working out and listening to music (a few of my favorite artists are Kid Cudi, The Weeknd, and Kendrick Lamar). I hope to be a helpful resource for students participating in SI this summer!!

Hey y’all, my name is Joey Escamilla and a little bit about myself is I’m a rising senior Sociology major I’m a Intern for the Grand Challenges Office, I’m apart of Transitions Program here on campus, and my all time favorite food is cereal (cereal then milk). Also, when I was an incoming First Year I actually took part of the first Summer Immersion program and had a lot of fun during the program. My closest friends today are the people I met in cohort during this and I honestly don’t think I would have been this happy at Vassar without the program.

I am Jasmeen Kaur (I prefer to be called Jas). I use she/her pronouns and I am a rising sophomore. I am a pre-med student and I am undecided about my major. I am involved in different clubs on campus like Vassar Alliance of Women in Foreign Affairs (VAWFA) and Sikh Student Association (SSA). I love playing ludo, drawing, and reading in my free time.

Hello! My name is Leslie (they/she) and I am a rising third-year at Vassar, double majoring in Urban Studies and Sociology. I am from San Gabriel, California! At Vassar, I am going to be on the Transitions Research Team this coming year and have previously held the position of VSA’s Chair of Equity and Inclusion, and have interned at the LGBTQ+ and Gender Resources Department. Last summer I participated in Grand Challenges as a summer catalyst. I also was the treasurer for Vassar’s Asian American Studies Working Group. Outside of school, I love to crochet and make jewelry! I also participated in Summer Immersions my first year and it was such a blast and gave me the opportunity to meet so many amazing people! 

Hello! My name is Manoshi and I am a rising sophomore at Vassar. I am an Economics major and a potential Sociology and Italian minor. I grew up in Queens, NY and I will be moving back there this summer! I love to read, write, listen to music, watch movies/tv, and take long walks. I participated in summer immersion last year and really enjoyed my experience, so I am looking forward to being a part of this amazing team and meeting incoming students!

Hi, my name is Meera Shroff! I’m from Bethesda, Maryland. I have a twin sister and a corgi mix (this just means he looks a lot more ratlike than your average corgi). I’m undecided and undeclared, but I’m interested in computer science and religion. I like learning about people, especially by listening to them; I’m interested in journalism and community building for that reason! I’m also on the copy staff for the Miscellany News. When I have free time, I like hanging out with friends, playing video games, and writing!

My name is Noon Elmostafa, a rising sophomore. I’m a first generation college student from Anchorage, Alaska.  I am so excited to meet you all and help you transition into college life at Vassar. 

Hi, my name is Stefen! I’m a Computer Science major with a Religion correlate, and I recently applied for a Drama double major. I’m from the city (Queens), so Vassar isn’t too far from home. I chose to transfer to Vassar because of it’s Open Curriculum. When I’m not studying, I’m usually hanging out with my friends. Sometimes we play badminton, go ice skating and even participate in archery. Other times we go on Netflix or just sit around and talk. I can’t wait to meet you all and get to know you more!

Hi! I’m Tianyu and I’m from Miami, Florida. I’m a rising sophomore here at Vassar and I plan on being an Economics and History double major. Here at Vassar, I play violin in the orchestra and I’m involved in campus orgs like Asian Students’ Alliance and Matriculate. My favorite Vassar thing is probably the benches on campus—there are a lot of them, and there’s some super interesting history behind some of them if you dig hard enough. This past year, I’ve made a lot of close friends here at Vassar and I hope that you, as immersions students, will find the same sense of community. 
